“Rapid and Serial Quantification of Adhesion Forces of Yeast and Mammalian Cells”
“FluidFM-based single-cell force spectroscopy.”
“High resolution imaging of the cytoplasmic side of bacteriorhodopsin”
“Three bacteriorhodopsin trimers have been highlighted (white rounded triangles) for clarity.”
“Example of single-cell force spectroscopy using FluidFM”
“In the FluidFM control software, a cell can be selected by placing a cross-hair over it. After this, the cantilever is automatically moved over the cell and spectroscopy starts.”
“AFM imaging of type I collagen fibrils”
“The collagen topography was recorded in static mode using a Nanosensors PPP-XYCONTR cantilever.”
“Electrochemical AFM with rod-like samples: Cu deposition on a commercial Pt electrode”
“Copper clusters electrodeposited on platinum and platinum surface after copper stripping (3 μm × 3 μm, vertical range 100 nm).”
“Oxygen-free EC-AFM experiments with Electrochemistry Stage ECS 204”
“Steady-state cyclic voltammograms of glassy carbon electrode mounted in Electrochemistry Stage ECS 204 as measured in 0.1 M NaOH (red) in open cell with as-prepared solution and (black) in deoxygenated solution.”
Ciencia de Materiales
“AFM image of a residual imprint produced by a nanoindenter. Reprinted with permission from Inorg. Chem. 54 (2015) 683, Figure 15. Copyright © 2015 American Chemical Society.”
“AFM force spectroscopy on a polymer blend”
“3D topography of the PS-PB blend overlaid with the stiffness map derived from the force-distance curves recorded on the same area.”
“Phase imaging of a SBS-PS polymer blend”
“Topography (top row) and phase images (bottom row) at scan ranges of 2 µm (left column) and 1 µm (right column) of a spin-cast SBS-PS blend film on mica.”
“KPFM using the Nanosurf FlexAFM”
“KPFM signal (top) and simultaneously recorded Topography data (bottom) are shown.”
“Bulk copper deposition on gold studied in an EC-AFM application using the FlexAFM”
“Deposition of Cu on a Au surface. Scan range: 800 nm x 800 nm.”
“Molecular structure of a self-assembled monolayer”
“Imaging of 2D crystals of dotriacontan and octadecanol molecular layers prepared on HOPG.”
“Spheres on surface 5×5µm image, z-range: 200nm. With courtesy of: Institute of Optoelectronic Sciences, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan”
Microscopía Térmica de Barrido (SThM)
“Thermal conductivity of polymer-embedded carbon fibers”
“Themal conductivity image of polymer-embedded carbon fibers. The cantilever temperature is qualitatively shown as the thermocouple voltage. A lower voltage corresponds to a higher thermal conductivity.”